Refund and Return Policy

At we prioritize your satisfaction with our online education services. We understand that circumstances may arise where you may need to reconsider your course selection or encounter unexpected challenges. Our refund and return policy is designed to address these situations fairly and transparently.

Refund Eligibility:

     1. 24-Hour Refund Window: You are eligible for a full refund within 24 hours of enrolling in a course. This refund will be processed promptly upon your request.
     2. Unmet Commitment: If we are unable to fulfill the commitments made within the stipulated deadline, you are eligible for a refund. This applies if the course completion or materials delivery exceeds the promised timeline.

Refund Process:

     1. Initiating Refund: To request a refund within the specified criteria, please contact our customer support team via Contact Support.
     2. Verification: Our team will verify the refund eligibility based on the outlined criteria.
     3. Refund Processing: Once eligibility is confirmed, we will initiate the refund process. The method and duration of refund processing may vary based on the original payment method used.

Non-Guarantee of University Marks:

     Please note that while our courses are designed to enhance your knowledge and skills, we do not guarantee specific grades or outcomes in university examinations. Our courses provide comprehensive study materials and guidance, but individual academic performance is determined by various factors beyond our control.


     Refunds may not be applicable in the following situations:

  • If the refund request is made beyond the stipulated timelines.
  • If the course materials have been significantly accessed or utilized.
  • Contact Us:

         For any queries or assistance regarding refunds, please reach out to our customer support team at Contact Support.

    Policy Updates:

         We reserve the right to modify or update our refund and return policy at our discretion. Any changes will be communicated through our website or via direct communication channels. By enrolling in our courses, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms outlined in this refund and return policy.
